A blog of the journey through the comprehensive and dissertation process.
Starting the Comprehensive and Dissertation Process
Published on December 31, 2003 By kmonroe In Welcome
Capella has one of the more unusual comprehensive processes imaginable. The learner writes their own questions and then answers them. It sounds easy, but as I begin this process - it's scaring me to death.

I happened upon a good article today at http://www.mentorcoach.com/abd/News/travellog.html. It's about keeping a journal during the dissertation process. I think I'm going to start that now and keep a journal through both comps and dissertation.

I plan to finish both comps and dissertation by the end of October 2004 - just 10 full months from today. It seems daunting right now, but I know I can do it if I just stay motivated. The problem is I'm always most motivated when pushed against a deadline. I need to set a realistic but definite deadline schedule for myself and build in some sort of real deterrent if I don't reach that deadline. Maybe I'll work on that tonight and post it here tomorrow.
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